Your little princess could be crowned next!
Dear Pageant Parents and/or Sponsors:
How awesome to celebrate your queen in our souvenir program booklet!
The money raised from these ads will help cover the expenses of the pageant, including prizes, crowns/ sashes, advertising/promotion expenses, and other event costs. The program book not only lists information on our pageant, but also features a headshot of each registered contestant. Ad space is sold in this book to help raise funds to support the Little Miss Black United States of America Pageant.
Here are some helpful hints to make your job easier.
1. Contact friends, neighbors, and businesses in your area. Yes, ads can be from businesses, as well as family and friends. Each ad will congratulate the queen that sold the ad.
2. Once you receive a "yes", complete the Ad Form below. Make sure the information is correct (check all spelling) and complete. The ad copy should be clear and easily understood. Payments may be made via our PayPal link below -or- our pageant team can send an invoice.
3. The digital ad must be emailed to littlemissblackusofa@gmail.com. Please include the contestant's name and the details for pageant records.
4. When you have collected all the ads, fill out an Ad Summary Form. All ads and money must be turned in by - TBA.
Blessings on your ad drive!
R E M E M B E R ...
The contestant who sells the most Ads will be announced and receive the MISS ENTREPRENEUR award -and- the title "Little Miss Black America 2023"!
Please send ALL your sponsors/donors a personal handwritten thank-you note for their donation, and for celebrating you!
A copy of the program booklet will be submitted to each sponsor/donor.